Saturday, June 23, 2012

Painting with the California Art Club

The California Art Club is deep in tradition with regards to plein air painting. We were fortunate to join some fifty + members at a CAC sponsored painting event at Mission San Antonio de Padua.  It was a weekend of intense painting along with a little socializing as well.  I must say that the Director of Development, John McIntyre did an exemplary job in creating this paint-out at this remote California mission.

We were humbled by the quality of work produced.  Brazilian artist Deladier Almeida, Elizabeth Tucker, and many more were who I met in passing.

In my painting of the mission, there was a constant struggle with light.  The facade was dark while the main mission structure was a more intense pinkish color.  During the process of painting, the mission structure seemed to come forward and the bell tower facade seemed to recede.  The next time I'd look up, it would seem to be the opposite, and a struggle for this artist.  All in all, I was happy with this painting.  Like so many times, my next painting was a frisbee, never to be seen again.  But, that is part of the process. Take risks and fly or flop, avoiding the safe comforts of familiarity.
California Art Club participants

"Mission San Antonio de Padua", 12" x 16"
plein air oil, Currier, $1600

Email: alfredcurrier (at) yahoo (dot) com


  1. Love it!! So glad you had a great time. I hope they do it again. Everyone I talked to said this was a fun event.

    Yeah... Those frisbies seem to follow me wherever I go.

  2. Al,
    I love your philosophy " fly or flop". Personally, I have been using the 17 month rule, I learned from Albert Handell in Santa Fe. No frisbees for 17 months. Then I look at it again to see what I learned from the attempt. If it's still a fisbee it goes up with west wind from sacred fire that returns things to the universe.

    Jim Lynch, Maui

  3. It sounds like you two are painting "boomerangs" that return. I don't care what Albert says, they're out of here. ....well, most are. ;-) I, admit that I do have a few that are hovering around but, 17 months???? No way! Al

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